The key to improving the nutritional efficiency of the heart and so much more.
The Heart Sound Recorder is a computer-based low risk general wellness monitor which uses the principles of auscultation to acquire, display, record and save heart sounds. This website is a portal through which you can learn more about this device and how it can be the key to improving the nutritional efficiency of the heart and so much more!
Certain types of heart stress can be monitored by visualizing the rate, rhythm and tone of the heart cycle. As a result, the heart’s reaction to certain stressors, i.e. chemical, nutritional and emotional, can be observed using this type of device. The response to informed suggestions can be monitored by observing changes of the frequency, ratio, amplitude and characteristics of the heart’s waveform. Comparison graphs can help determine the effectiveness of actions taken to improve the quality of life.
As with any wellness device, recommendations for lifestyle changes implied by using this technology should be undertaken only with the guidance of a licensed physician, therapist, or holistic healthcare practitioner. The findings from this device can be used to support, but should not be used in place of, sound medical therapies and recommendations.
“We had no idea what a game changer this would be for our patients. We quickly learned that using the HSR not only tells us what’s going on with the heart, but that it is a window to what’s going on inside the whole body.” - Dr. Mike
What are others saying about the Heart Sound Recorder?
“I can’t imagine my business without the HSR.” - Dr. Angela
“Amazingly, this simple tool helped to create a huge transformation in my life.” - Theresa
Dr. Kaslow shares his experience with the ACG and HSR.